Risky or Not is a thrice weekly(ish) short podcast where we answer your questions about whether something is risky or not. We promise to do our best not to waffle, dither, dissemble or equivocate, and to give you straight up answers about whether something is risky or not. If you have questions for us you can reach Professor Ben Chapman @benjaminchapman on twitter at or Dr. Don Schaffner @bugcounter on twitter, or you can send us questions and feedback on our website riskyornot.co

We also do another longer podcast about (mostly) Food Safety at http://www.foodsafetytalk.com/

Our show art is by the amazing Kevin Budnik. You should follow him on Twitter (@knittedsweater) and support his Patreon.

Our theme music is the song Bacteria from Jonathan Coulton

This show was inspired by a now deleted tweet from Merlin Mann, (but here is a link to the tweet thread) and the podcast Robot or Not?

Thanks to our friend Max who decided we should be called Dr. Don and Professor Ben.