588. Swollen Can of Surströmming
Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of eating surströmming from a swollen can.
Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼
Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼
- Surströmming - Wikipedia
- Fermented and ripened fish products in the northern European countries - ScienceDirect
- Discovering microbiota and volatile compounds of surströmming, the traditional Swedish sour herring - ScienceDirect
- Safety of Fermented Fish Products - ScienceDirect
- Fermented and ripened fish products in the northern European countries - ScienceDirect
- Strictly anaerobic halophiles isolated from canned Swedish fermented herrings (Surströmming) - ScienceDirect
- Swollen can of surströmming - SURSTRÖMMING - THE OFFICIAL STORE