740. Using a "Snot Sucker" With Ones Mouth
Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks posed by using a "snot sucker" with ones mouth.
Dr. Don - risky ☣️
Professor Ben - risky ☣️
- NoseFrida the SnotSucker – Frida | The fuss stops here.
- NoseFrida: Winter Colds and Baby’s Snot: A Better Way to Clear It Out • ItsaBelly Doulas
- Amazon.com : BABY-VAC Clinically Tested Baby Nasal Aspirator - Vacuum-Powered Nose Sucker with Suction Head & Cleaning Brush for Safe and Gentle Relief : Baby Bathing Products : Baby
- Comparing nasal suction devices in children with bronchiolitis: A pilot randomized control trial - Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families
- Nasal Suction Tip: Little Sucker® Nasal Tip - Neotech Products
- NoseFrida HYGIENE FILTERS – Frida | The fuss stops here.