745. Reusing Pasta Water That's Been Sitting Out Overnight
Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks reusing pasta water that's been sitting out overnight.
Dr. Don - risky ☣️
Professor Ben - risky ☣️
- Bacillus sp. R2 α-amylase production optimization: Pasta cooking water as medium of amylase production | African Journal of Biotechnology
- Fatal Family Outbreak of Bacillus cereus-Associated Food Poisoning - PMC
- Predictive Model for Growth of Bacillus cereus at Temperatures Applicable to Cooling of Cooked Pasta - Juneja - 2019 - Journal of Food Science - Wiley Online Library
- Microbiological Quality of Raw Dried Pasta from the German Market, with Special Emphasis on Cronobacter Species - Akineden - 2015 - Journal of Food Science - Wiley Online Library
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of Bacillus cereus in foods - ScienceDirect
- A survey study on safety and microbial quality of “gluten-free” products made in Italian pasta factories - ScienceDirect
- The occurrence of Bacillus cereus in fast foods: International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: Vol 49, No 4
- Toxin producing Bacillus cereus persist in ready-to-reheat spaghetti Bolognese mainly in vegetative state - ScienceDirect
- Microbiological Quality of Filled Pasta in Relation to the Nature of Heat Treatment - ScienceDirect